There’s something to be said for simplicity. My Smith & Wesson Model 64 with it’s NY-1 stamp is a New York Transit Police overrun from the early 90’s, right before they switched to semi-automatics.
It has a 4-inch, heavy barrel and is chambered in .38 Special. It came as a round but with Uncle Mike’s rubber grips on it, but I recently swapped those out for G-10 square but profile grips from VZ Grips. I have it loaded with Speer 125gr +P Gold Dot hollow points and a spare 6 ready to go in an HKS speed loader.
While I have a Bianchi 111 hip holster for the 64, it’s shown here with an unusual Italian Zed brand upside shoulder holster that makes concealing the 4-inch duty gun pretty easy. It’s not a bad rig for the car where it might be hard to get to a belt holster, especially with your seat belt on.
I always have a knife with me. In this case its a Spyderco Dragonfly 2 with a Wharncliffe blade in K390 steel.
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