Glocks are mainstays when it comes to EDC handguns, and for good reason. I’ve always said that the Glock was the AK-47 of the police world. They may not be the prettiest, or have all the bells and whistles, but they’re affordable, they’re simple, and they just plain work. With that said, there are a ton of Glock compatible platforms out there now and some do a really nice job of improving on the Glock ergonomics.
Take the GST-9 from 80% Arms for instance. It’s a good looking frame that feels and points good too. It has an undercut trigger guard, a high beavertail, glove bevel, scalloped mag release, no finger grooves, and gas pedals on either side for thumb placement. Even with the advances over an OEM Glock frame they still fit in a standard Glock holster which is great for EDC purposes.
The GST-9 is both a Glock 19 and a Glock19X (or Glock 45). It has two different grip modules available to either build it as a compact, G19 sized frame or a full sized G17 size frame. With something like the new Glock 47 slide or the aftermarket 19L slides you can build a short grip frame, service length slide set up too. Being a medium frame you can build one in 9mm, .40 S&W or .357 SIG.
I build mine in 9mm with a nifty camo Armor Ally slide that matches with my OD frame nicely. A threaded barrel and a set of suppressor height XS sights round it off. I feed it with OD Glock 19 OEM mags.
My latest match up for it has been an ASP Sentinel tac light, a B’yond EDC Nighthorse Navaja folder, my Hog Mountain Tool and Tactical polymer Hog Paws knucks.
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